It's time to break up with Instant Coffee
We get it. Instant coffee is easy, cheap, and convenient, it's been there through the good times and the bad. Helped you through those early morning classes, or during a long shift at work. But there is one thing it’s not, and that is, let's be honest, good. With the coffee scene being what it is, you shouldn't have to settle for substandard coffee. Here at Don Massimo, we have a range of easy to use, easy to drink solutions for you, and to support you through saying goodbye to instant.
Let's start with the good old fashioned french press. The first patent for a french press was submitted in 1852 and it's still around for a reason, it's hard to get wrong and nice and quick to use. Just put a couple of scoops of coarsely ground coffee in the bottom of the press, then fill to the top metal ring, and rest the lid on top. After around 3-4 minutes, slowly push the plunger down (trust us, slow and steady is definitely the least messy option, learn from our past mistakes). You end up with a coffee that's actually quite similar to instant, with a great full bodied flavour.
Next up we have the drip pot, not just a pretty face, this device uses gravity to pull a beautiful cup of coffee with a great flavour profile. Now this is a bit quicker then a french press, but does take a more hands on approach with the pouring. Fill up your stainless steel filter about half-way with a fairly coarse ground coffee, then slowly pour your just-off-the-boil water over it. The delicious looking coffee will pull through the filter and you end up with more like a long black. I drink mine with a good pour of milk, though you can have it straight up if that is your thing.
Last but not least, we have the Air Press. This relatively new and nifty technology produces a pressurised espresso shot with no electricity, just an air chamber. Air presses are a great step if you love your coffee, and are getting into it as a hobby. They can be more affordable than you might think, at Don Massimo we sell our air press for just $39.95. While you can start with just our basic recipe, there are heaps of videos online that take you through all different ways to make espresso shots, the world is your oyster. We suggest starting with just a scoop of coffee, stirring 5-8 times and then letting it brew for sixty seconds, then just place over your cup and push down. You can drink as is, or add milk and sugar. These devices also make a great gift for your instant-insistent friends who try to tell you they are actually into coffee, but only when they go out.
Coffee is a great way to start your morning, not only for the caffeine, but as a little ritual to get you into the headspace of the day. In 2022 we think it's time to start investing in ourselves and these devices are an easy way to elevate your morning routine. Once you start having good coffee in your mornings you won't be able to stop. Come into Don Massimo’s retail store at 227 Murray street mall, and feel free to chat to any of our very knowledgeable staff who will help you find the set up that's perfect for you.